Younis, parents and siblings
Younis’ grandfather had a hard life as a freeman in Pakistan, barely scraping by and living in poor conditions. When the roof collapsed on his house. Seeking to provide the money to fix the roof he went to work at the brickyard but was unable to make enough money to put a roof back over their heads. He eventually borrowed money from the brickyard owner. His son, Younis’ father, the older man in the photo was born after his father was in bondage.
Younis’ father started making bricks at the age of 11. His desire to leave the brickyard was always strong and he contemplated running away for many years. He was married in the brickyard and started a family there. Younis is his first born.
Younis started working at the brickyard when he was 9 years old, he’s now in his early 20s. When he was 18, he heard to gospel and accepted the truth of Jesus and His salvation. After about 2 years a family in Richmond Virginia provided the funds to pay the whole family’s debt and provide a financial foundation so that they can remain free.
In the winter of 2023 the entire families debt was paid. The paperwork for freeing the family was complicated because the two youngest children did not have birth certificates. The parent’s had given up hope of every being free so they did not register the children with the government.
Since their freedom the family has moved into a rental home and are using the pickup trike, and sewing skills to support the family.