Allahditta & Family

Allahditta and family

Almost 80 years ago Allahditta’s father had to borrow money from the brickyard owner to pay some medical bills for his wife.

The family remains in slavery today.

Allahditta was born at the brickyard. He started making bricks when he was 7 years old. When his father died he inherited the debt to the brickyard owner.

He’s now 40 years old and still making bricks. He’s married and has 3 children. The eldest is 17 and has also been making bricks since he was around 7. Allahditta’s wife also works in the brickyard; trying not to fall further into debt, with little hope of ever paying their debt.

Cost of Freedom for Allahditta & Family:

$1500 USD - Debt to the brickyard owner

$1800 USD - Establish a financial footing

$430 USD - Funds transfer costs through Action Ministries International

$3800 USD - Rounded up total (to provided a some contingency funds)

Update May 31st 2023: Allahditta and family’s freedom has been funded!

Update July 7th, 2023: Allahditta and family have been freed!

The family on the way out of the brickyard into a free life.

The family posing for the now traditional freedom picture.

Please pray for the family as they adjust to their new life. In the coming weeks a TukTuk pickup will be purchased with the funds and Allahditta will begin using that to support the family.


Aslam and Shamim Masih


Younis, parents and siblings