Aziz and family

Aziz and family after 1 year of freedom

Aziz is actively serving in the Church ministering to brickyard slaves and others in the community.

Aziz’s grandparents owned and worked a farm until flooding destroyed the crops one year and they had to borrow money to survive. Hoping that they would be able to quickly pay back the loan and return to farming they started working at the brickyard. 120 years later the 4th generation of the family was still laboring at the brickyard in futile work to payback the debt.

Aziz’s father inherited the debt of his father as did Aziz. He started making bricks when he was about 7 years old. His two oldest sons had already started making bricks and were seemingly destined to continue this family toil.

In 2020 Aziz heard the gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time and gave his live to Christ. Although still bound in physical bondage his spirit was free. He began to share the gospel himself and to be discipled in the ways of Christ.

One year later Christian in the U.S., through our group, paid his debt and provided money for a home and a means to support themselves.

Aziz and his pickup trike

Aziz now supports his family by hauling material on his new pickup trike (sometimes called a rickshaw or tuktuk).

His wife runs a small grocery store out of their home to augment his income.

Their children are going to school for the first time. This is a further barrier to the family returning to bondage.

Aziz and his wife host a church gathering in their home every week where over 110 adults worship on Sundays. Most of the people attending are slaves at the brickyard. There is also a Sunday school at his home to teach the children of the adults attending about Jesus and to teach them useful skills that they can use if they are freed from slavery.


Younis, parents and siblings