What We Do

We work to free families from slavery and to strengthen the Christian Church in Pakistan.

Our Mission

Support the Pakistani Church in Christian fellowship by partnering with her to redeem those trapped in slavery, provide a means for them to financially support themselves, and to disciple these believers as the follow Christ in freedom.

How We Do This

In short, we pay the debt owed by the family and provide enough money for them to establish some financial independence. We do not want to redeem a family just to have them quickly fall back into servitude. Many of these families have been making bricks for generations, have not attended school, and have no means to support themselves outside of slavery.

The Process

The process for freeing a family typically follows this pattern:

  1. A family is identified that can be freed. We are several factors that limit our ability to ‘free all the families’.

    1. It takes time to work through the contractual paperwork to pay the debt of a family. This must be done in a way where the loaner cannot come back and make a claim against the family in the future.

    2. Freeing too many families too quickly will likely result in increased persecution of the Christians in Pakistan due to the economic impact on the slave owners.

    3. It is against the law to induce someone to convert to Christianity by offering some material benefit. The Christians there must be careful to make sure that people do not appear to be enticed to convert to Christianity.

  2. I plan is developed for that families on-going freedom including where they will live and how they will support themselves.

  3. The details of their family situation and debt are communicated to us in the U.S.

  4. Funds are raised in the U.S. to pay the debt and to establish their financial footing.

  5. We often introduce the donor to our contacts in Pakistan who are working directly with the families.

  6. That money is transferred through a 501(c)3 organization (Action International Ministries) to Pakistan.

  7. The legal process is executed to pay off the debt and release the family. This can sometimes take longer than expected. Complications can arise, such as children not being registered with the government at birth so they government has no record of their existence.

  8. The families debt is paid and they are released from the forced labor.

  9. They begin their free life.